Price: $14.00
Reviewed by: Eleanor Johnston
Power, Freedom and Grace is yet another book by Chopra, the bestselling author/motivational speaker who touches a powerful chord among North Americans alienated from their own spiritual traditions. His message speaks from the ancient Indian wisdom of the Vedanta to New Age positivism, and it intrigues, comforts and provides guidance to millions of readers.
Chopra maintains that, by focusing on our essential spiritual selves, we can tap the energy of the innate intelligence of the universe, thereby discovering power, freedom and grace and freeing ourselves from the illusions of materialism and ego. He challenges us to contemplate ideas such as these: “The world exists in us; we do not exist in the world”; “Everything in the universe is alive…When we fall in love with everything that exists, the universe speaks to us and reveals its innermost secrets”.
Although many scientists reject his claim that modern science informs his discovery of the field of pure consciousness, Chopra’s message is revered by many. A very engaging quotation is from the mystic, Rumi: “I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. The door opens. I have been knocking from the inside.”