Book Reviews

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The Faces of Grief: A Woman's Bible Study

Author: Marian Talley-Cunningham
Publisher: BJU Press
Price: $7.95

Reviewed by: Brandee Musiala

There are many faces of grief and just as many ways to deal with it. Yet when Marian Talley-Cunningham found herself widowed for the second time, it was scripture that really helped her.

This bible study will arm you with helpful passages and advice as you begin to navigate your way through the loss of your loved one. So if you find yourself dealing with denial, anger, bargaining, depression or even acceptance, this is a great resource for you.

A Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and Compatibility: Understanding Your Type and Finding Love

by Liz Lalor (2004)
Publisher: North Atlantic Books
Price: $18.95

Reviewed by: Olivia Worobec

Although we see the effects of illness physically, there are mental and emotional factors that run alongside it. Homeopathy takes into account the simultaneous forces at work within us.

Lalor not only looks into the underlying emotional component that affects one's health and well-being, but even goes further by linking self-knowledge to finding your ideal partner (unlike previous uses and methods of homeopathy). There is a stronger connection than you may think.

“Homeopathic constitutional analysis is based on the assumption that when you know who are you are, you also know what fulfills you emotionally,” she says.

Studying movies as examples, from The African Queen to American Splendor, Lalor looks at character and emotional personalities, as well as relationship types. By observing individualized and custom approaches to life, the author is able to categorize a number of constitutions. By seeing where you match up, the result is self-understanding and finding what makes you feel fulfilled in a relationship.

“A constitutional analysis encompasses who you are, how you operate in the world, how you interact with people, and, most important for this book, what you are like in your relationships.”

A truly unique application backed up by research and experience, Lalor's book takes self-knowledge and compatibility to a whole new level.

Angel of Light: A Personal Journey Through Imagination to Find the Spirit

by Richard James Cook (2001)
Publisher: Fountain Publishing
Price: $16.00

Reviewed by: Brandee Musiala

Few of us can't imagine anything more tragic than the death of a child. In the face of such a tragedy, Richard James Cook managed to channel his grief into the poems and artwork that are of Angel of Light: A Personal Journey Through Imagination to Find the Spirit.

Not to be read without a box of tissues nearby, Angel of Light chronicles the short life of Cook’s daughter Laura who was diagnosed with a rare heart disease in her first year of life. The Cooks’ were then faced with the reality that Laura would need a heart transplant. Unfortunately, despite the transplant, Laura passed away when she was just four years old.

When his journaling gives way to poems, passages and paintings that helped Richard James Cook work through his loss, the spiritual closure is evident. The paintings in which Laura is depicted as living on in heaven are especially telling.

As emotionally charged as this book is, I believe it is the depictions of Laura living on that may help someone in a similar situation. All in all, bittersweet.
