Book Reviews

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The Snowflake

by Jamie Carie (2010)
Price: $14.99

Reviewed by: Diana Worobec

In the words of Jeanette Winterson, "They say that every snowflake is different." Just like every snowflake, so is our lives: each of us has a different story to tell.

The Snowflake is a touching story of a man and woman's journey and discovery of themselves, and each other, as they face the hardship and bitter cold of surviving an Alaskan winter. In 1897, a brother and sister are looking to reach the Alaska gold rush. Meanwhile, a man is dealing with the results of his wife's death. As the three come together due to a tragedy, we see the struggles of fear and love.

It's a pleasure to have Canada addressed in the story since there does not appear to be many books with its setting in Canada featuring a romantic twist, and characters' faith in God. Dawson City is a town located in Yukon, Canada, founded and named in January 1897 after Georde M. Dawson who had explored and mapped the region in 1887.

Those who enjoy a good romance with a touch of Christmas will definitely enjoy
The Snowflake.

The Power of Prayer and Fasting: God's Gateway to Spiritual Breakthroughs

by Ronnie W. Floyd (2010)
Price: $12.99

Reviewed by: John Worobec

(Note: Due to physical and/or medical conditions, some individuals fasting would not be safe.)

This book is written from a spiritual perspective, and is based on the author's personal experience.

God has honoured, and is honouring, all the prayers and fasting that have taken place. Prayer with fasting is something exceptional. It can be done individually or corporately as a church or a church group. In tandem with prayer and fasting, each individual would need the dynamic personal changes to help bring natural and world change. 

(1) It renews and refreshes you;

(2) It gets you away from self-gratification, self-worship, self-exaltation…of this worldly system;

(3) It brings dynamic personal change and experience to God's presence and power in your life.

But more importantly, it will help to draw one nearer to Jesus and to know Him; to better experience His presence and power in your life, and to become more effective and fruitful with vessels for Him to use.

The potential Power of this spiritual-type life of prayer and fasting lights the fuse to free God's significant power in supernatural living, including spiritual breakthroughs.

Love’s First Light

by Jamie Carie (2009)
Publisher: B&H Publishing
Price: $14.99

Reviewed by: Olivia Worobec

Love, hope, and forgiveness are the main themes in this novel that takes place during the French revolution. Christophe, the Count of St. Laurent, and Scarlett, a young widow carrying her deceased husband’s child, are the protagonists whose lives interweave as they move between Paris and Carcassonne, France in the story. Christophe flees to Carcassonne to live in exile from society while being haunted by his past. It is there where he meets Scarlett and her mother and sister. An unlikely connection Scarlett has with someone of Christophe’s past threatens their deepening relationship.

The supporting characters add substance, warmth, and humour to otherwise complex situations. The descriptions of society provide a very clear depiction of what life was like back at that time, a time that has shaped history. Moreover, Christophe’s fascination of science reflects his journey of faith from darkness to light.

Everything comes to a head when Scarlett’s family must find a way to survive their barely-getting-by circumstances, and when Christophe is determined to confront his past once and for all.

Improving Intimacy: 10 Powerful Strategies; A Spiritual Approach

by Tom O'Connell (1993)
Price: $7.00

Reviewed by: Jeff deViller

Trapped in a cycle of bad relationships? Or just looking to strengthen your current relationship? Tom O’Connell’s Improving Intimacy may be the book for you. Broken up into 30 manageable sections with a strong spiritual backbone, this book offers the common sense insight needed to take any relationship to a spiritually stronger level.

Through a spiritual lens, the first half of Improving Intimacy successfully deconstructs infatuation, intimacy, and romantic love. The second half provides 10 strategies to help the “intimacy addict” overcome the shortcomings of these relationships. The goal is to relate to one’s partner in a loving and caring way. From “learning to listen” to “becoming who you are”, these common sense strategies provide a clear direction for readers looking for insight into developing a strong foundation in their relationships.

This 40 page book was developed into a course called "Creating Healthy Relationships" at Cape Cod Community College. Tom O’Connell also offers retreats and presents lectures based on the book. With such success, Improving Intimacy is clearly a book that will strengthen any reader’s relationship.

The Mindfulness Code: Keys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, Fear, and Unhappiness

by Donald Altman (2010)
Publisher: New World Library
Price: $14.95

Reviewed by: Cindy Pomeroy

This book is very mind-refreshing in view of the fact that the stresses of life can throw you off balance. As soon as you begin to feel tired and less able to handle the daily stresses you face, this is your cue to slow down.

A Mindfulness Code offers a deeper look at understanding a healthy mind and healthy body. Find out how to familiarize yourself to positive concepts that will help recharge your physical and emotional batteries by way of revamping situations in your life.

Donald Altman’s focus is to help make certain you have plenty of energy to go the distance, as well as outlining how to spend more time thinking about where to focus your attention.

Living in the Moment: A Prescription for the Soul

by Gary Null (2008)
Price: $23.95

Reviewed by: Olivia Worobec

Gary Null, PhD, has been on the radio for over two decades in addition to his work of documentary films and investigative reporting. Foremost, Null is an author who has written a number of books on self-improvement, with the frequent focus being on health and self-empowerment. He has also conquered The New York Times bestseller list and has extensively been featured in magazines.

Living in the Moment is about showing individuals that we can live our best life possible - and we all have the power to do so, says Null. Many times, we place limitations on what we can or should do with ourselves. Outside voices have placed expectations and conditioning on how we live. We start to make excuses for why can not do something or achieve our dreams. Ultimately, this heavily impacts the choices we make. By not being in tune with ourselves, we waste our time on things that don’t really matter to us because of the belief system that we are inclined to follow.

This book would be excellent for anyone looking for an educated perspective. Null gives sound advice to help individuals break free of distractions that are detrimental to our true potential.

Adventures of Faith: On Learning to Walk on Water

by Faith Annette Sand (2009)
Price: $15.00

Reviewed by: Margaret Reid

...beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord save me" (Matthew 14:30).

Our lives are often dominated by worries and fears - whether they be health fears, money worries, marital problems, etc. - and we want to cry out "Lord save me".

This author, a mother of ten children, four stepchildren and seventeen grandchildren, spent many years living in Brazil before returning to the U.S.

In spite of her experiences, and because of her walk with the Lord, she is able to give the reader some insight into the faith needed to shun fears and learn to "walk on water".

Grace for Every Trial: A Women's Bible Study

by Betty Henderson (2008)
Publisher: BJU Press
Price: $7.95

Reviewed by: Margaret Reid

Many Christians find reading the book of Job depressing as they read of a God-fearing man experiencing great suffering and sorrow. Betty Henderson has developed a Bible Study on the book of Job that can be used individually, or by a group.

After each reading, there are questions to encourage discussion and to give more insight into the passage read.
In this book, the reader will discover many truths about God and come away with a new outlook about (1) how to be a better comforter to those who are suffering and (2) trusting the Lord more.

The List: Figuring Out Prince Charming, The Corner Office, and Happily Ever After

by Marian Jordan (2009)
Price: $11.99

Reviewed by: Olivia Worobec

Marian Jordan writes in a style relatable to young females of this generation. In The List, she explores what every girl is after: checking off self-made goals that must be done in a chronological and definitive way. Jordan is witty and insightful, giving perspective on this concept.

Some interesting points and topics include:

-Beauty: how we often focus on exterior instead of the interior, but this is an empty way of living
-What we put our hope in: this world does not provide the security and acceptance we crave
-Our agenda vs. God’s agenda: we all have a custom personality with special gifts that we are meant to use
-Our God-given niche: there are certain passions built into us that will bring fulfilment

The author also incorporates her own experience in trying to fill a void with what the world claims is an exciting way to live. In the end, it only left her hungrier than before.
It is only when we encounter Jesus that we truly feel beautiful and at peace.

Featured quote: “Anything, and I mean anything, we place at the center of our lives except him [Jesus] will crumble. If we choose to seek first a husband or career or a perfect body, then we are putting THE CENTER OF OUR LIVES SOMETHING UNFIT TO REIGN THERE. Anything we devote ourselves to other than him will ultimately disappoint and leave us wanting and searching for another person, experience, or possession” (93-94).

A Path of Colored Leaves

by Rachel Carr Klippenstein (2000)
Price: $7.25

Reviewed by: Olivia Worobec

As the title implies, this book is about the seasons of life - more specifically, the journey of Klippenstein and her husband. As they deal with a painful lost reality, the author discovers a new dream and her ultimate destiny to write.

The seasons of the year and the places that the couple settles in seem to reflect their present state of prosperity. In South Dakota, it was dry. In Florida, the sunshine was an indication of a promise about to be fulfilled. In Oregon, the rainy weather was almost a cleansing and healing of the past. As spring broke through, so did a new life.

In addition, there is reflection on Klippenstein’s college education experience and stories of the ranch.

We deal with crisis and situations in our own way and in our own time: a theme that resounds throughout the book. It is also in the most difficult times that we find ourselves.

Featured quote: “The intensity of pain corresponds to the intensity of what is loved” (30).

Fear Not!: Meditations to Overcome Fear, Worry and Discouragement

by Rand Hummel (2008)
Publisher: BJU Press
Price: $9.95

Reviewed by: Olivia Worobec

The book is broken up into manageable segments with meditations targeting a specific truth. As the back cover explains, the author gives “strategic help” through simple instructions as revealed inside: “This is what God says” / “Now think about it” / “How can it affect me?”

Part One is God’s Fear Applied to Fear, Worry, and Discouragement; Part Two is God’s Word Applies to Ten Common Fears. In the latter, there is a kind of duality between the human perspective and the fact of God. For example, “The fear of rejection vs. the fact of God’s acceptance” is one chapter that demonstrates this.

The more we focus on God and his word, the clearer our mind will be and the more happy and content we will be because we understand who God is, says Hummel.

Lest You Fall: Meditations to Fight Moral Impurity / Turn Away Wrath: Meditations to Control Anger & Bitterness

Lest You Fall: Meditations to Fight Moral Impurity

by Rand Hummel (2005)
Publisher: BJU Press
Price: $8.95

Turn Away Wrath: Meditations to Control Anger & Bitterness

by Rand Hummel (2007)
Publisher: BJU Press
Price: $9.95

Reviewed by: Leslie Richardson

When the best minds in science seek out the mysteries of the cosmos, or the quirks and quarks of subatomic particles, they look first for the answers which seem to exhibit “simplicity and grace”. In today’s ultra high-tech world, we are under an aggressive assault by media, TV, Hollywood, and the Internet. So many have fallen to immorality, and let rage run wild. People flock to the book stores and spend millions on the latest self-help trendy fad ideas, making rich the “New Age” gurus.

Rand Hummel wishes to help us in a return to simplicity and grace. He has assembled short and pertinent scriptures dealing with short temper in his book Turn Away Wrath, and moral impurity in Lest You Fall. The plan is simple: one scripture per day. He calls them meditations. I think of them as medications. Don’t miss your daily dosage! Sooner than you think, a little peace and serenity may be yours!

Power, Freedom and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness

by Deepak Chopra (2006)
Price: $14.00

Reviewed by: Eleanor Johnston

Power, Freedom and Grace is yet another book by Chopra, the bestselling author/motivational speaker who touches a powerful chord among North Americans alienated from their own spiritual traditions. His message speaks from the ancient Indian wisdom of the Vedanta to New Age positivism, and it intrigues, comforts and provides guidance to millions of readers.

Chopra maintains that, by focusing on our essential spiritual selves, we can tap the energy of the innate intelligence of the universe, thereby discovering power, freedom and grace and freeing ourselves from the illusions of materialism and ego. He challenges us to contemplate ideas such as these: “The world exists in us; we do not exist in the world”; “Everything in the universe is alive…When we fall in love with everything that exists, the universe speaks to us and reveals its innermost secrets”.

Although many scientists reject his claim that modern science informs his discovery of the field of pure consciousness, Chopra’s message is revered by many. A very engaging quotation is from the mystic, Rumi: “I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. The door opens. I have been knocking from the inside.”

Prayers: A Communion with Our Creator

by Deepak Chopra (2001)
Price: $12.95

Reviewed by: Margaret Reid

“Prayer is a communion of the human with the divine” states the author of this book. Eight topics related to prayer are expanded upon, each dealing with a different aspect of prayer e.g. truth, forgiveness, love, gratitude, etc. In each chapter the topic is developed and the chapter ends with a related prayer which helps focus our thoughts.

This book would be useful as a guide to praying and would undoubtedly expand our ideas about how to pray, as the author uses a combination of Christian awareness and ancient wisdom.

Reflections of a Wyoming Shepherd on the 23rd Psalm

by Patricia McClaflin Booher (2009)
Publisher: Authorhouse
Price: $17.95

Reviewed by: Margaret Reid

The author of this book has a background of sheep farming in Wyoming.

She draws upon many of these experiences in her writing.

Each verse of the psalm is expanded upon using events in her own, her family’s and her friends’ lives. The reader can relate to many of these anecdotes.

This is another look at a very familiar psalm. It is a very readable book, and as one reflects on the various experiences described, the Good Shepherd role becomes more meaningful.
