Book Reviews

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The Mindfulness Code: Keys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, Fear, and Unhappiness

by Donald Altman (2010)
Publisher: New World Library
Price: $14.95

Reviewed by: Cindy Pomeroy

This book is very mind-refreshing in view of the fact that the stresses of life can throw you off balance. As soon as you begin to feel tired and less able to handle the daily stresses you face, this is your cue to slow down.

A Mindfulness Code offers a deeper look at understanding a healthy mind and healthy body. Find out how to familiarize yourself to positive concepts that will help recharge your physical and emotional batteries by way of revamping situations in your life.

Donald Altman’s focus is to help make certain you have plenty of energy to go the distance, as well as outlining how to spend more time thinking about where to focus your attention.

Living in the Moment: A Prescription for the Soul

by Gary Null (2008)
Price: $23.95

Reviewed by: Olivia Worobec

Gary Null, PhD, has been on the radio for over two decades in addition to his work of documentary films and investigative reporting. Foremost, Null is an author who has written a number of books on self-improvement, with the frequent focus being on health and self-empowerment. He has also conquered The New York Times bestseller list and has extensively been featured in magazines.

Living in the Moment is about showing individuals that we can live our best life possible - and we all have the power to do so, says Null. Many times, we place limitations on what we can or should do with ourselves. Outside voices have placed expectations and conditioning on how we live. We start to make excuses for why can not do something or achieve our dreams. Ultimately, this heavily impacts the choices we make. By not being in tune with ourselves, we waste our time on things that don’t really matter to us because of the belief system that we are inclined to follow.

This book would be excellent for anyone looking for an educated perspective. Null gives sound advice to help individuals break free of distractions that are detrimental to our true potential.

Adventures of Faith: On Learning to Walk on Water

by Faith Annette Sand (2009)
Price: $15.00

Reviewed by: Margaret Reid

...beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord save me" (Matthew 14:30).

Our lives are often dominated by worries and fears - whether they be health fears, money worries, marital problems, etc. - and we want to cry out "Lord save me".

This author, a mother of ten children, four stepchildren and seventeen grandchildren, spent many years living in Brazil before returning to the U.S.

In spite of her experiences, and because of her walk with the Lord, she is able to give the reader some insight into the faith needed to shun fears and learn to "walk on water".

Grace for Every Trial: A Women's Bible Study

by Betty Henderson (2008)
Publisher: BJU Press
Price: $7.95

Reviewed by: Margaret Reid

Many Christians find reading the book of Job depressing as they read of a God-fearing man experiencing great suffering and sorrow. Betty Henderson has developed a Bible Study on the book of Job that can be used individually, or by a group.

After each reading, there are questions to encourage discussion and to give more insight into the passage read.
In this book, the reader will discover many truths about God and come away with a new outlook about (1) how to be a better comforter to those who are suffering and (2) trusting the Lord more.
