Book Reviews

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Live Longer, Live Better: Taking Care of Your Health

by Peter H. Gott, M.D. (2004)
Publisher: Quill Driver Books
Price: $14.95 or $23.50 (CAD)

Reviewed by: John Worobec

Dr. Gott, America's most popular medical columnist, addresses health concerns (in an organized manner) to assist those seeking information and interesting possibilities for their medical issues. Besides the clinical side of medicine, Dr. Gott does mention things that are naturalistic in methods and natural/herbal aids, but also warns about the quantity and/or use that could be detrimental or non-existent in value to health. (Note: It is not a replacement for a personal one-on-one medical advice from a qualified physician).

Each chapter fields a definitive topic in which Dr. Gott explains possible situations/scenarios that could play out based on his experiences, and his views from a medical perspective, as well. The index in the back of the book is very comprehensive in finding a more specific need. Therefore, there is no need to read the whole book or chapter(s) to become knowledgeable about a specific affliction.

All in all, it is a guide for taking charge of your health.

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